Monday, January 9, 2012

The Decision.

        For a while now, my husband and I have been contemplating the one thought, all married couples contemplate. Military. Can we do it? Can it work for us? Will it benefit us in the long run? We finally came to the decision, YES. We can do it, it will benefit us, and it will work for us. Now, which branch? We shuffled through the pros and the cons of them all, and of every thought, every consequence, and every decision. Down to it, my husband chose the Marines. The United States Marine Corps. The hardest, most disciplined, branch of the Military out there. What are my thoughts, as the soon to be, military wife? I couldn't be more happy, and more proud, for and  if my husband, than I am at this very moment. He isn't going in, just for the money, or the glory, the free college, or free houses. My husband is going in to build confidence, to build his life, to feel noble, and important in something, to protect, and be a brave, member of a society, that is never frowned upon. Every time I look at my husband now, we automatically smile. Jesus Christ has blessed my husband with such a great challenge, and chance.
          More than that though...What steps are next? He made a 58 on his practice ASVAB. Having that score, places him in high scores, for all ASVAB scores..I think its 30-99, and for not being in high school for 2 years already, a 58 is pretty great. Zach is thinking of joining in the field of Ordnance. Which is the men who build/repair the weapons. While he does that, he wants to go to college.(Career still undecided). Recruiter Sgt. Perkins, told us that he has to choose 3 jobs, and three bases, and they will chose for him, what he does, when he is done with basic.
    Basic. The one term of military, no one likes. 13 weeks of training, at Parris Island, NC. He then, comes home, for 10 days, then leaves again to go to Combat training, for 1 month, or 4 straight weeks. After that, depending on what job he was assigned, he will go to that school, for however long the training lasts, then FINALLY, I get to be with my husband, and we go to a base, settle in, and begin our military lives.
       To be completely honest with you, I am extremely excited to be a military wife. Its a really..different style, you could say. I mean, I want to be the typical stay-at-home wife, take care of the home, and the children, and perform my doings, as a wife. But the twist, is it will be Military style. Living on bases, traveling, tons of paper work all the time, but my most favorite many women out there, can proudly say.."I, am a MARINE wife!"? I will tell you now, not that many. Granted, there aren't THAT MANY Marines, because again, its the hardest..Which makes me most proud of my husband. He is taking on a challenge, he knows nothing about, to better himself, in many ways. For that, I am the happiest, most proud wife in the world.

(If I got things about the Military wrong, in this blog...bare with me, I'm starting a new lifestyle!)